Sunday School
Christian Education for all ages is provided on Sundays during the school year. Join us after worship for a fun time of learning and fellowship as we dive into scripture to hear about God’s love for us. Meeting after worship from 10:15 to 11:15 am.
Young Children & Preschool
During and after worship, a nursery space will be provided for children from birth to age two as requested. Three and four-year-old children are invited to come to join the older kids for Sunday School.
Kindergarten through Seventh Grade
Older children and middle school youth meet from 10:15 am to 11:15 am in the classrooms upstairs. Grab a snack in the Social Hall and come upstairs. Our program includes different activities focusing on the day’s Bible story – these may include art, drama, games, mission, science, or cooking. We will learn about each story in different ways for three weeks.
Eighth Grade Confirmation
Pastor Jim and Sara are waiting to welcome you to a year of confirmation classes where we will explore what it means to be a disciple of Christ. We will meet from 10:15 am to 11:15 am in the Confirmation Room, across from the church offices. Sunday’s class will be teaching time, and our learning will continue Wednesday evenings with interactive activities from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm.
High School Youth
High School Youth meet in the Mission House following worship for Faith Talk, which uses current events to reflect on the messages in the Bible.
Several times throughout the year, adult Bible study classes are offered on Sunday mornings following worship and at other times during the week. Adults can also gather for coffee fellowship in the Social Hall.